• Italiano
  • Italiano
  • Italiano


GAME+ Growth and Access for Millennials of Erasmus+

From 31.01.2021 to 30.12.2023

The objective is to offer an innovative new digital tool, a platform with educational games based on the method of gamification.
As part of the Game+ project, partners designed and developed innovative intellectual products, promoted innovative methods, developed materials and learning tools in working with young people for the digital participation of young people and online learning for young people.

Results achieved by:

Guidelines for the use of gamification tools in work with young people;

Learnus+ platform dedicated to youth workers, teachers, educators and other professionals working with young people using non-formal learning methods.

Training course for educators on gamification and game-based learning

Final event for presentation of project results, practical workshops for educators, teachers and young people, networking time

Beneficiaries involved:
4 third sector entities from Poland, Italy, North Macedonia and Portugal

18 educators who participated in training in Poland

25 people (educators, teachers, representatives from associations, representatives of municipalities, young people) who attended the final event

8 experts who worked on the realization of the project results

Co-financed by the Erasmus programme (PL01 Foundation for the Development of the Education System)


EUROPE 4 YOUTH (Poland) 
Bangherang (Italy)
CYA Krik (North Macedonia)

GAME+ Growth and Access for Millennials of Erasmus+

From 31.01.2021 to 30.12.2023

The objective is to offer an innovative new digital tool, a platform with educational games based on the method of gamification.
As part of the Game+ project, partners designed and developed innovative intellectual products, promoted innovative methods, developed materials and learning tools in working with young people for the digital participation of young people and online learning for young people.

Results achieved by:

Guidelines for the use of gamification tools in work with young people;

Learnus+ platform dedicated to youth workers, teachers, educators and other professionals working with young people using non-formal learning methods.

Training course for educators on gamification and game-based learning

Final event for presentation of project results, practical workshops for educators, teachers and young people, networking time

Beneficiaries involved:
4 third sector entities from Poland, Italy, North Macedonia and Portugal

18 educators who participated in training in Poland

25 people (educators, teachers, representatives from associations, representatives of municipalities, young people) who attended the final event

8 experts who worked on the realization of the project results

Co-financed by the Erasmus programme (PL01 Foundation for the Development of the Education System)


EUROPE 4 YOUTH (Poland) 
Bangherang (Italy)
CYA Krik (North Macedonia)

SEX EDU - Empowering youth workers and young people: A comprehensive programme for sexual and emotional education

From 01.10.2023 to 30.06.2025

The objective is strengthen the skills, competencies and abilities of educators and organizations to provide inclusive sexual and emotional education activities and programs for young people.
With the SEX-EDU project we want to positively influence inclusive sexual and emotional education programs at national and European level, in order to promote well-being among young people with different backgrounds or realities: disability, LGBTQ+, rural residents, second generation immigrants, etc.

Results achieved by:

A research-document with good sexual education practices;

A pilot training program with inclusive sexual and emotional education activities;

16 trained educators and at least 24 empowered youth;

12 digital educational content created and 4 public awareness campaigns published;

4 multiplier events achieved

Beneficiaries involved:

4 third sector entities from Italy, North Macedonia, France and Cyprus

16 educators trained during training

40 young people reached with local programmes/activities (10 per partner organisation)

200 young people reached with awareness campaigns
at least 140 participants, 35 per country (educators, teachers, representatives of associations, representatives of municipalities, young people) who participated in the final events

10 experts who worked on the project results



Supported by:

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento,

University of Ferrara


University of Ferrara,
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento.

Little Lanterns (first edition)

From march 2020 to may 2021

The objective is the cbuilding an educational community around the book and reading
Small Lanterns distributes books and coordinates reading activities aloud on the territory, providing a full-bodied training calendar, so that the book and reading can become an opportunity for all boys and girls.

Results achieved and beneficiaries involved:

first edition: 15 training meetings with 225 participants, 109 children/s and 0-6 involved/s, 300 books distributed to new born, 100 books distributed throughout the territory.

Second edition (in progress).


In the first edition the project involved the territory of Cento (2021), in the second edition also the territory of Pieve di Cento (in progress).

Funded by:

Centre for Books and Reading, Call for Readings 0-6


City of Cento (Municipal Library, Center for families of the upper Ferrara, Municipal Nests)
Children’s Literature Award (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento)
Kindergartens of IC1, IC3
Istituto Superiore F.lli Taddia (socio-health address)
West District of the USL Company of Ferrara (Birthplace of the Hospital of Cento, Centro Vaccinale)
Pediatricians of free will
UONPIA Service of infant neuropischiatry

Piccole Lanterne (prima edizione)

Da marzo 2020 a maggio 2021

L’obiettivo è la costruzione di una comunità educante attorno al libro e a alla lettura

Piccole Lanterne distribuisce libri e coordina attività di lettura ad alta voce sul territorio, prevedendo un corposo calendario di formazione, perchè il libro e la lettura possano diventare un’occasione di crescita per tutti i bambini  le bambine.

Results achieved and beneficiaries involved: first edition: 15 training meetings with 225 participants, 109 children/s and 0-6 involved/s, 300 books distributed to new born, 100 books distributed throughout the territory.

Second edition (in progress).


In the first edition the project involved the territory of Cento (2021), in the second edition also the territory of Pieve di Cento (in progress).

Funded by:

Centre for Books and Reading, Call for Readings 0-6


City of Cento (Municipal Library, Center for families of the upper Ferrara, Municipal Nests)
Children’s Literature Award (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento)
Kindergartens of IC1, IC3
Istituto Superiore F.lli Taddia (socio-health address)
West District of the USL Company of Ferrara (Birthplace of the Hospital of Cento, Centro Vaccinale)
Pediatricians of free will
UONPIA Service of infant neuropischiatry

City Council of Boys and Girls

AY 2023/2024

The objective is the pactive youth participation
It is an organism composed of boys and girls that meets periodically to exchange opinions and share information collected in schools, organized by work commissions.

The Councillors are elected by the class and appointed to represent them and dialogue with the Mayor, The Administration and the City Council of adults to seek solutions to problems together and implement new projects to improve the lives of children and young people.

Beneficiaries involved:

Boys and Girls of the secondary schools of first degree



Supported by:

the Municipality of Cento


IC1 the Guercino,
IC2 G.Pascoli,
IC3 F. Lamborghini,
IC4 Scuole Malpighi

Giù di Festival

4 days for every AY

The objective is the orientation and promotion of youth protagonism
It is a festival dedicated to post-graduate orientation and high school choice. Young people, companies, public and private bodies of the territory participate, telling their own paths and opportunities to students and students of secondary schools of I and II. grade. Peer education is promoted by asking older students and students to tell their choices and paths to younger colleagues. The project is anticipated by the Waiting Down Festival, workshops conducted in the classes on the theme of choice and factors to be evaluated.

Beneficiaries involved:

Fifth grade secondary school classes, Third grade secondary school classes, Professors, Companies, Employment Agencies, Employment Centre, Youth Policy Board, Third Sector and Civil Service volunteers.


West Plain District

Supported by:

Regione e Unione dei Comuni di Terre d’Acqua


Union of the Municipalities of Terre d’Acqua,
Office of Plain West,
IIS Archimedes,
IIS Malpighi,
IC1 Decima,
IC2 Persiceto,
IC Sala Bolognese,
IC Anzola dell’Emilia,
IC Crevalcore,
IC Sant’Agata Bolognese,
IC Calderara di Reno

Giù di Festival

4 days for every AY

The objective is the orientation and promotion of youth protagonism
It is a festival dedicated to post-graduate orientation and high school choice. Young people, companies, public and private bodies of the territory participate, telling their own paths and opportunities to students and students of secondary schools of I and II. grade. Peer education is promoted by asking older students and students to tell their choices and paths to younger colleagues. The project is anticipated by the Waiting Down Festival, workshops conducted in the classes on the theme of choice and factors to be evaluated.

Beneficiaries involved:

Fifth grade secondary school classes, Third grade secondary school classes, Professors, Companies, Employment Agencies, Employment Centre, Youth Policy Board, Third Sector and Civil Service volunteers.


West Plain District

Supported by:

Regione e Unione dei Comuni di Terre d’Acqua


Union of the Municipalities of Terre d’Acqua,
Office of Plain West,
IIS Archimedes,
IIS Malpighi,
IC1 Decima,
IC2 Persiceto,
IC Sala Bolognese,
IC Anzola dell’Emilia,
IC Crevalcore,
IC Sant’Agata Bolognese,
IC Calderara di Reno

Orientagiovani (Terre d’Acqua)/Informagiovani (Comune di Cento)


The objective is the ororientation and promotion of opportunities for young people
An orientation service that provides one-on-one personalized advice to help you discover study, work or volunteer opportunities together. The service accompanies young people in discovering opportunities and choosing their own path of life. It promotes opportunities dedicated to young people on the territory and abroad.

Beneficiaries involved:

Young people aged 13-35.


West Plain District and Municipality of Cento

Supported by:

Regione e Unione dei Comuni di Terre d’Acqua (Orientagiovani) and Comune di Cento (Informagiovani)


Union of the Municipalities of Terre d’Acqua,
West Plain Office (Orientagiovani)
Municipality of Cento (Informagiovani)

School and territory

From October to March each year

The objective is to enhance the educational offer by developing transversal and digital skills, creativity, logical skills and critical thinking.
The project aims to use technology to solve problems related to the world of school, prototyping to imagine new solutions, working in teams to evolve ideas, deepen the choice of high school to choose the one most suitable for students and students.

Beneficiaries involved:

about 300 students of II and III – secondary school of first degree



San Giorgio





Supported by: Confindustria Emilia Area Centro


Fondazione Golinelli,
UrbanLab Bologna,
PACOLab Design

School and territory

From October to March each year

The objective is to enhance the educational offer by developing transversal and digital skills, creativity, logical skills and critical thinking.
The project aims to use technology to solve problems related to the world of school, prototyping to imagine new solutions, working in teams to evolve ideas, deepen the choice of high school to choose the one most suitable for students and students.

Beneficiaries involved:

about 300 students of II and III – secondary school of first degree



San Giorgio





Supported by: Confindustria Emilia Area Centro


Fondazione Golinelli,
UrbanLab Bologna,
PACOLab Design

Training in non-formal education

3 meetings lasting 2 each

The objective is adult education with educational role.
Training courses for adults with an educational role aimed at deepening the non-formal educational approach, enhancing innovative teaching tools and gaining awareness of their educational role.

Results achieved:

writing a community educational pact signed by a group of coaches of the Union of the Water Lands and families involved in sports activities.

Beneficiaries involved:

primary and secondary school teachers, support educators, volunteer animators and educators, educators in summer camp services, coaches and managers of sports clubs.


n. 322 educators in the field of volunteering, n.116 between coaches and managers, n.145 teachers


East Plain District (Pieve di Cento, Castello d’Argile, Budrio, Baricella, Malalbergo, San Pietro in Casale)

West Plain District (Calderara di Reno, Crevalcore, Sala Bolognese, San Matteo della Decima, San Giovanni in Persiceto).

Support with Children Social Enterprise


Coop. Social Fields of Art,
Offices of Piano del Distretto Pianura Est e Pianura Ovest,
Family Centre of the West Plain District,
IC of Pieve di Cento and Castello d’Argile,
IC of San Pietro in Casale,
Ic di Calderara di Reno, parishes of Pieve di Cento,
Castle of Argile,
Saint Matthew of the Tenth, Padulle,
Osteria Nuova and Sala Bolognese,
Ass. The Compass,
sports realities of the territories of the East Plain District and West Plain.

Summer camps "A perfect summer"

from June to September

Summer Center Service for boys and girls from kindergarten and primary school with loud readings, art and theater workshops, robotics, sports and nature discovery activities.

Beneficiaries involved:

about 70 primary school children each year, n.80


Pieve di Cento

Supported by Children Social Enterprise


Municipality of Pieve di Cento,
Unione Reno Galliera

Summer camps "A perfect summer"

from June to September

Summer Center Service for boys and girls from kindergarten and primary school with loud readings, art and theater workshops, robotics, sports and nature discovery activities.

Beneficiaries involved:

about 70 primary school children each year, n.80


Pieve di Cento

Supported by Children Social Enterprise


Municipality of Pieve di Cento,
Unione Reno Galliera

Community education

From 2022 to today.

The objective is the sEducational group support in uncomfortable situations.
The intervention of proximity is constituted as a fixed educational garrison in sensitive places attentioned by the municipal administrations attended by young people/ and reported/e or who are in situations of severe social and/ or family hardship.

Results achieved:

ad hoc educational measures have been created for each territory, with the aim of linking boys and girls and establishing with them a relationship of trust functional to their spontaneous participation in the proposed activities.  Awareness-raising activities were organized in collaboration with the Local Police and representatives of the Territorial Services.

Beneficiaries involved:

40 boys and girls aged between 13 and 30. The target groups had previously been indicated (sometimes even reported) by the Law Enforcement or City Administration.


Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Bastiglia (MO)

Ravarino (MO)

Supported by

Unione dei Comuni del Sorbara

Centec - Open Living Lab

from September to May

The objective is ppromote scientific culture
How to create an interactive plant encyclopedia or how to create a robotic chain reaction.  These are just some of the free workshops for local institutions that enhance STEA

Beneficiaries involved:

The institutions including the Municipality of Cento and all the surrounding municipalities. More than 1500 students, aged 9 to 13, every year



Supported by

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento

University of Ferrara


University of Ferrara,
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento.

Centec- Open Living Lab

from September to May

The objective is ppromote scientific culture
How to create an interactive plant encyclopedia or how to create a robotic chain reaction.  These are just some of the free workshops for local institutions that enhance STEA

Beneficiaries involved:

The institutions including the Municipality of Cento and all the surrounding municipalities. More than 1500 students, aged 9 to 13, every year



Supported by

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento

University of Ferrara


University of Ferrara,
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento.

Education for Citizenship 3.0

From December 2021 to November 2023

The objective is to stimulate the democratic participation of the various actors within the school context.
International trainings for teachers were held, youth exchanges for students and local activities with the aim of reflecting on the state of the art regarding the level and quality of democratic culture in the school context and taking direct action to promote equal participation using the concept of Integral school approach as intervention methodology.

Results achieved:

3 international teacher training courses, 3 youth exchanges for students, 3 multiplier events.
At the local level, we have provided: n on 1 training in Italy for teachers of the IIS Archimedes, n on 1 training for classes II, n on 1 training for all classes I, n on 1 training for the Student Committee, n on 1 mixed teacher-student training.
A manual was also published presenting the methodologies used and the theoretical background of the “Whole School Approach” and the “Human rights-based approach (HRBA)”.

Beneficiaries involved:

A few numbers divided by target (age, background or other):

At the local level: no 40 teachers and n has 200 students of the IIS Archimedes of San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO), associations and realities of the territory.
Internationally: 3 organizations and 3 schools from 3 different countries, 60 teachers and 150 students.


Europe – San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)

Co-financed by the

Erasmus + Agenzia PT01 Agência Nacional para a Gestao do Programa Erasmus+ Educação e Formação programme.


YUPI (Portugal);
 ARTES EDU (Poland);

One step higher - Climbing the ladder of participation

From 01.10.2023 to 30.06.2025

The objective is sdevelop educator skills and non-formal education methodologies on youth participation and involve local municipal administrators
The project involves the implementation of two activities: a study visit to Portugal and a training course in Italy to co-create a common model of youth participation with methodologies, phases and good practices for educators, in order to encourage the participation of young people in democratic life.

Results to be achieved: 

Document – common model of youth participation with methodologies, phases and good practices to encourage the participation of young people in democratic life
Developing the competences of educators and non-formal education methodologies for the participation of young people
Create a network of educators to share experiences, resources and ideas related to youth participation in democratic life
Promoting links/connections between educators and administrators of municipalities across Europe

Beneficiaries involved:

A bit of target numbers (age, background or other)

6 third sector entities from Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, Georgia, Albania, Spain, Turkey and Greece 

24 participants (youth workers, youth workers, educators, municipal workers) from 8 European countries will take part in each project activity (48 total)

4 experienced trainers and 2 logistics managers will be involved in the organization and implementation of the project activities

Young people from the local communities of each partner organisation will take part in the follow-up activities. 


by Erasmus programme (IT03 – National Youth Agency)


Bangherang (Italy);
DYPALL Network (Portugal);
CYA Krik (North Macedonia);
LLC Youth Horizons (Georgia);
Rrjeti i Profesionisteve te Rinj/ Young Professionals Network (Albania);
La Bastida Participació SCCL (Spain);
Habitat Association (Turkey);
IRTEA (Greece)

One step higher - Climbing the ladder of participation

From 01.10.2023 to 30.06.2025

The objective is sdevelop educator skills and non-formal education methodologies on youth participation and involve local municipal administrators
The project involves the implementation of two activities: a study visit to Portugal and a training course in Italy to co-create a common model of youth participation with methodologies, phases and good practices for educators, in order to encourage the participation of young people in democratic life.

Results to be achieved: 

Document – common model of youth participation with methodologies, phases and good practices to encourage the participation of young people in democratic life
Developing the competences of educators and non-formal education methodologies for the participation of young people
Create a network of educators to share experiences, resources and ideas related to youth participation in democratic life
Promoting links/connections between educators and administrators of municipalities across Europe

Beneficiaries involved:

A bit of target numbers (age, background or other)

6 third sector entities from Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, Georgia, Albania, Spain, Turkey and Greece 

24 participants (youth workers, youth workers, educators, municipal workers) from 8 European countries will take part in each project activity (48 total)

4 experienced trainers and 2 logistics managers will be involved in the organization and implementation of the project activities

Young people from the local communities of each partner organisation will take part in the follow-up activities. 


by Erasmus programme (IT03 – National Youth Agency)


Bangherang (Italy);
DYPALL Network (Portugal);
CYA Krik (North Macedonia);
LLC Youth Horizons (Georgia);
Rrjeti i Profesionisteve te Rinj/ Young Professionals Network (Albania);
La Bastida Participació SCCL (Spain);
Habitat Association (Turkey);
IRTEA (Greece)

Peer Community Promoters

From 01.09.2023 to 28.02.2025

The objective is the creaction of an action plan with activities and initiatives for young people in the area of the former station of Pieve di Cento
The Youth Table will be the target of training activities that will provide the skills to become peer community promoters but at the same time will be the protagonist in creating opportunities to meet young people, citizenship, associations and local government to create a community around the redevelopment project.

Results to be achieved:

Created an action plan resulting from a real mapping of the ideas and needs of the territory, with particular reference to young people; 
Created 10 peer community promoters;
2 training courses focused on the development of skills to become peer community promoters;
2 visits to good practice that have given rise to community spaces: Via Baltea 3 – Turin and Can Battlò – Barcelona;
1 launch event presenting the project and 1 final event presenting the action plan and the results achieved; 
There will be 2 round tables organized by the Youth Table involving the municipal administration to share the results achieved and work on the action plan.


Beneficiaries involved:

Number of representatives of the municipal administration

5 boys/s from the Youth Table

80 young people from the area

5 associations working with and for young people.



Pieve di Cento (BO)



by Erasmus programme (IT03 – National Youth Agency)



Bangherang (Italy);
Mundus (Spain);
Municipality of Pieve di Cento (Italy)


From 31.05.2022 to 29.02.2024

The objective is pto empower and strengthen the methodology and skills of youth educators to tackle climate change
ECOlutio is a project with the main objective of improving climate change awareness and creating interactive and digital resources for youth workers and young people who will support them to work and improve the environment.

Results to be achieved: 

Analysis of research on the involvement of young people in their local communities in the fight against global warming -General Report-
 Platform for young people joining the cause of improving the environment
Training event for educators on methodologies and skills for the realization of sustainable activities
Final event for presentation of project results, practical workshops for educators, teachers and young people, networking time

Beneficiaries involved:

4 third sector entities from Lithuania, Italy, North Macedonia and Turkey 

12 educators who attended the training event in Turkey 

30 people (educators, teachers, representatives from associations, representatives of municipalities, youth) who attended the final event 

8 experts who worked on the realization of the project results




DARNOJE (Lithuania);
Bangherang (Italy);
CYA Krik (North Macedonia);


From 31.05.2022 to 29.02.2024

The objective is pto empower and strengthen the methodology and skills of youth educators to tackle climate change
ECOlutio is a project with the main objective of improving climate change awareness and creating interactive and digital resources for youth workers and young people who will support them to work and improve the environment.

Results to be achieved: 

Analysis of research on the involvement of young people in their local communities in the fight against global warming -General Report-
 Platform for young people joining the cause of improving the environment
Training event for educators on methodologies and skills for the realization of sustainable activities
Final event for presentation of project results, practical workshops for educators, teachers and young people, networking time

Beneficiaries involved:

4 third sector entities from Lithuania, Italy, North Macedonia and Turkey 

12 educators who attended the training event in Turkey 

30 people (educators, teachers, representatives from associations, representatives of municipalities, youth) who attended the final event 

8 experts who worked on the realization of the project results




DARNOJE (Lithuania);
Bangherang (Italy);
CYA Krik (North Macedonia);

Pilot action on innovative implementation of the partnership principle in cohesion policy


The objective is cto involve young people in the definition of territorial projects in response to funding from cohesion policy
Within the regional strategies for the implementation of cohesion policy, the territories of the inner areas present projects from the related European funds. The objective of this project was to involve young people in the definition of the project presented by the Unione Montana dell’Appennino Reggiano, starting from the needs and arriving at concrete proposals within the project submitted to the Region. The involvement took place through workshops conducted at school and facilitated with non-formal education methodologies.

Beneficiaries involved:

5 third-grade classes in Union high schools


Unione Montana dell’Appennino Reggiano

Supported by

the European Commission and OECD


Region Emilia Romagna,
Union Montana dell’Appennino Reggiano

Table of young people of Pieve di Cento

from 2016 to today.

The objective is the active participation and youth protagonism
Path participated facilitated by educators and aimed at young people united by the desire to be active for their community through actions of care and rehabilitation of public goods, dialogue with local administrators and the implementation of public initiatives.

Results achieved:

redevelopment of the “Piccio” space (warehouse of the former train station), realization of exhibitions, collaboration with local associations in the implementation of public initiatives.

Beneficiaries involved:

since 2016 n.70 Young people involved in the 16 – 23 age group


Pieve di Cento

Supported by

Unione Reno Galliera


Comune di Pieve di Cento

Table of young people of Pieve di Cento

from 2016 to today.

The objective is the active participation and youth protagonism
Path participated facilitated by educators and aimed at young people united by the desire to be active for their community through actions of care and rehabilitation of public goods, dialogue with local administrators and the implementation of public initiatives.

Results achieved:

redevelopment of the “Piccio” space (warehouse of the former train station), realization of exhibitions, collaboration with local associations in the implementation of public initiatives.

Beneficiaries involved:

since 2016 n.70 Young people involved in the 16 – 23 age group


Pieve di Cento

Supported by

Unione Reno Galliera


Comune di Pieve di Cento

Creatives + 8 competences

Academic year

The objective is the contrast to educational poverty, support for adolescents with social fragility, acquisition and reinforcement of transversal and technical skills.
Path of afternoon meetings through which to experience transversal, digital and artistic skills with games, workshops and experiential activities and knowledge of the opportunities that animate the territory.

Results achieved:

construction of an escape room and realization of a theatrical performance and an exhibition with the works of/of the participants

Beneficiaries involved:

N. 105 students and students in the secondary school.


East Plain District (Pieve di Cento and Castello d’Argile)

West Plain District (San Matteo della Decima, Sant’Agata Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto).

Supported by

Children Social Enterprise


Coop. Social Fields of Art,
Offices of Piano del Distretto Pianura Est e Pianura Ovest,
IC of Pieve di Cento and Castello d’Argile,
IC 1 Decima-Persiceto,
IC 2 Saint John in Persiceto,
IC of Sant’Agata Bolognese,
Municipality of Pieve di Cento,
Municipality of Castello d’Argile,
Municipality of San Giovanni in Persiceto,
library “Le scuole” and art gallery G. Campanini di Pieve di Cento,
R. Pettazzoni library of San Matteo della Decima,
Coop. Social The Green City,
Resistance Earth,
Proloco – carristi society of Pieve di Cento,
Ass. Sunflower,
MAGI Museum,
Ass. Islamic Cultural Al Maarifa.

Young Festival - Path participated

From 2021 to today

The objective is the active participation and youth protagonism.
This path was created with the aim of creating a group of young people from the territory who would develop and organize proposals aimed at their target within a public park little exploited.

Results achieved:

a consolidated group has been created which, to date, has organized 3 editions of a plastic-free Festival at the Cà Ranuzza park (Castelfranco Emilia) and several events throughout the year (sports tournaments, swap parties, musical evenings, art exhibitions, …). The group has managed to work in a network with several local authorities and associations, thus becoming a direct interlocutor of the administration.

Beneficiaries involved:

15 boys and girls aged between 20 and 25 residing in the territory. Were intercepted boys/ and that were not already involved in other associations/ projects.


Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Supported by

Unione dei Comuni del Sorbara


Coop. Social Fields of Art,
Offices of Piano del Distretto Pianura Est e Pianura Ovest,
Family Centre of the West Plain District,
IC of Pieve di Cento and Castello d’Argile,
IC of San Pietro in Casale,
Ic di Calderara di Reno, parishes of Pieve di Cento,
Castle of Argile,
Saint Matthew of the Tenth, Padulle,
Osteria Nuova and Sala Bolognese,
Ass. The Compass,
sports realities of the territories of the East Plain District and West Plain.

Young Festival - Path participated

From 2021 to today

The objective is the active participation and youth protagonism.
This path was created with the aim of creating a group of young people from the territory who would develop and organize proposals aimed at their target within a public park little exploited.

Results achieved:

a consolidated group has been created which, to date, has organized 3 editions of a plastic-free Festival at the Cà Ranuzza park (Castelfranco Emilia) and several events throughout the year (sports tournaments, swap parties, musical evenings, art exhibitions, …). The group has managed to work in a network with several local authorities and associations, thus becoming a direct interlocutor of the administration.

Beneficiaries involved:

15 boys and girls aged between 20 and 25 residing in the territory. Were intercepted boys/ and that were not already involved in other associations/ projects.


Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Supported by

Unione dei Comuni del Sorbara


Coop. Social Fields of Art,
Offices of Piano del Distretto Pianura Est e Pianura Ovest,
Family Centre of the West Plain District,
IC of Pieve di Cento and Castello d’Argile,
IC of San Pietro in Casale,
Ic di Calderara di Reno, parishes of Pieve di Cento,
Castle of Argile,
Saint Matthew of the Tenth, Padulle,
Osteria Nuova and Sala Bolognese,
Ass. The Compass,
sports realities of the territories of the East Plain District and West Plain.